

The Beam Conditioning Unit comes together with a modular controller. Depending on the possibilities available on the beamline facility more or less tasks can be integrated in the controller.

The controller is equipped with a RS232 interface for control of the different units. With simple commands, which also can be sent from SPEC, the BCU can be addressed. Most signals and controls are also accessible via BNC TTL connectors directly on the back panel of the controller.


principle: 2D split ion chamber

resolution: < 2μm (typically 0.8μm*)

built in calibration function

operating voltage: 1400V

amplifier: differential amplifier, beam processor

atmosphere: N2 (0.6 - 1.4) bar

anode/cathode: Au (30x30)mm

electrode gap: 10mm (others on request)

range: vertical 6mm, horizontal 10mm (each adjustable +/- 4mm)

driver coarse adjustment:
- resolution: 0.884μm at 400 steps/rev.
- range: +/- 4mm
- drive: step motor controller
- limit switch, home switch

encoders: optional

windows: beryllium, capton or windowless

dimensions (in beam direction): 93mm + 20mm for cover plate, flange and entrance window

* depending on user site calibration

2D Beam Position and Intensity Monitor 3100.10

2D Beam Position and Intensity Monitor 3100.10