

Our camera allows for high speed measurements at frame rates of up to 1000Hz and features outstanding spectroscopic performance in the regime of soft X-rays. The data is provided as full raw data set as well as in an convenient data Cube, where for each individual pixel the full X-ray specturm is saved. The camera system can be deployed for a wide range of applications in science and industry, for example in material analysis, geology, art and archeology.

Parameter pnCCD properties

Physical pixel size 48 µm × 48 µm

Number of physical pixels 264 × 264 (69 696) image area 264 × 528 (139 392) in full frame mode

Active area 12.7 mm × 12.7 mm (A = 161 mm2 )

Full frame rate up to 1 000 Hz

Binning mode up to 8-fold binning

Windowing mode 24 × 264 pixels (smallest window)

Pixel readout rate up to 70 Mega Pixels/s

Externally triggerable yes

Readout noise (RMS) ENC < 3 e-/ pixel @ 400 Hz, ENC < 4 e-/ pixel @ 1 000 Hz

Energy resolution 145 eV @ Mn-Kα

Sub-pixel spatial resolution Δx < 15 µm (rms) for 1 keV X-rays

Charge handling capacity up to 400 000 signal electrons per pixel

Radiation hardness up to 1014 photons/cm2 @ 10 keV


fluorescent foil

Fluorescent foil for the detection of xray radiation

Typically used for adjustment or monitoring of the primary beam

Wavelength (anode material): Cu, Mo, Co (Fe, Ag)

One side coated with fluorescent pigment the other side with sticky tape (Thickness 0.27mm including carrier foil, 0.12mm without carrier foil)

Size: A4 (others on request, max. 45x66 cm*cm)


PNDetector‘s Color X-Ray Camera (CXC) provides images with spatial and excellent spectroscopic resolution.