

Multilayer monochromators can be used for the monochromatisation of X-rays similar to crystals. Various wave lengths and band widths can be regulated by choosing the multilayer material, the period thickness and the thickness gradient.

Multilayer monochromators can be produced in various sizes, from a few square millimeters (e.g. 6 x 4 mm² like shown in the picture) to a length of 500mm (typically synchronotron reflectors) or a diameter of 8" (wafer).

Depth graded multilayers / Broad band reflectors

  1. mulitlayer with various bilayer thicknesses to suit the Bragg conditions for many types of photon energy /wave length
  2. broad band or bandpass reflectors possible
  3. energy band width of 20% and more
  4. depth gradient optimized for EUV photon energy to hard X-ray (> 80 keV)
  5. relative energy band width is constant when the photon energy (and corresponding Bragg angle) changes
  6. adjustment of band width to a given spectral source
  7. high flow of photons through reflection of a great part of the spectral source, e.g. at Bending magnet or plasma source

Multilayer monochromators

Multilayer monochromators